Character Pledge for Life
December 30, 2020 2024-12-11 10:18Character Pledge for Life
Take the YPCN Character Pledge for Life
Join the hundreds of students from across the nation in commiting to the YPCN Character Pledge for Life
In the words of YPCN founder, David Caserta:
“My dream is to reshape our future generation’s way of thinking, one student at a time. The hope is to create a dynamic population of productive leaders whose desire is to focus on creating their destiny with the purpose of leaving a better world for those who follow. Unlike our founding fathers and other great leaders of our past, my generation has not done a good job in leaving behind a world with a respectable quality of life and an abundance of opportunities. Why? Because we are failing to educate our children on the value of possessing the many virtues required to become a successful person. With the current turmoil facing all of us around the world, a broken educational system, a weak job market, a society in fear for its safety, there is only one kind person who is qualified to provide us with a long term solution. That individual is one who has acquired the many virtues of great Character, a quality that is slowly disappearing from the fabric of this great Country.
For years, in an attempt to make things right, I have reached out to thousands of students from across the country in hopes of sharing with them my experiences, the various resources and the key skill sets expected of them to secure a position in their career of choice and to make for a better world for their families and for those whose eyes are upon us. Those who have listened and made the decision to take action are well on their way to achieving goals they could never have imagined. Therefore, as a result of the success and support of our efforts by students and advisers, I have decided to issue a challenge for every student to take and commit to the “Character Pledge for Life”. My hope is, at an early age, enough students will realize who they were meant to be, believe in what they can do to make a difference and responsibly take the necessary action required to create their future. When this happens, not only will my dreams be fulfilled, but our world will be back on track and all of its people will once again have a chance to flourish in the greatest Country on earth.”
Many have already taken the pledge
Will You?
Here are some who have taken the pledge
Take the pledge yourself

We encourage everyone to take the Character Pledge for Life and send it to us. Simply download the Pledge instruction kit, take a video of yourself reciting the Pledge for Life and then upload it to us to receive a signed Character Pledge Certificate of Completion.